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Crystal Space
Updated 05 Oct 2003
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 Basic Configuration with Crystal Space

Andrew/cdunde - 05 Oct 2003   [ Top ] 

How do I configure to use Quark with Crystal Space.

The documentation below comes from Andrew Watt on 2-Oct-2003.


Unless you are using the latest release of QuArK you are going to need to get Mini-Python ( www.python.org ) to run it.

Environmental Variables

The first part of the setup will be to add a variable to our system. The screen shot below shows the windows we'll use to do just that.

Open Control Panel > then System > select the Advanced Tab > click on Environmental Variables > in the upper ôUser Variables for ...ö area click NEW. We're now looking at a ôNew User Variableö box. Under ôVariable nameö enter ôCRYSTALö and for ôVariable Valueö enter your CS path e.g. C:\programs\CS (without any quotes for either box). Click OK in your windows until you're back down to the Control Panel and close it too.

Map2cs.cfg Configuration

There is a ômap2cs.cfgö file that must now be changed slightly. Open up Notepad and open the .cfg file with it (it should be located in your CS folder\data\config\). It should similar to below (this is not the original):

Map2CS.TextureSettings.DefaultTexture = liquids/bubbles
Map2CS.TextureSettings.zip1 = X:\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\CS\data\stdtex.zip 
Map2CS.TextureSettings.wad1 = X:\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\CS\data\cstex_1.wad
Map2CS.TextureSettings.wad2 = X:\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\CS\data\cstex_2.wad

Map2CS.General.Scaling = 0.025
Map2CS.General.UseBSP = 1
Map2CS.General.RemoveHidden = 0

System.ApplicationID = Map2CS

Change whatever you have for X:\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\ into the valid CS path followed by the specific data paths making it look something like ôC:\programs\CS\data\cstex_1.wadö (without the quotes). Remember, if you add more texture packs later, they must be included here (another wad would be ô.wad3 =ö) Save the changes but keep Notepad open.

Creating the Movefile.bat

In a blank Notepad enter the following line:

move /Y %2\maps\%~n1.zip %2

Save this as ômovefile.batö (without the quotes) in your CS directory. This will move the file from ./data/maps to ./data where it can be located by the program.

Getting QuArK Ready

Start up QuArK and we'll get a screen very much like the one to the right.

If not, you've probably started the wrong program, try again! First we will make some configuration changes:

-Go Games > select Crystal Space

-Go Games again > select Configuration

Next we'll pick Crystal Space from the configuration list and see a screen like the one below. The highlighted parts are what must be added, deleted or modified but all input is displayed beside the image for you. The red bars that end with \CS should be your Crystal Space directory; e.g. C:\programs\CS. Once that is done it's time to get some texture going.

WalkTest.exe -relight
[your CS directory]


[your CS directory]
Classic Quake

%mapfile% %file%.zip

-list %file%.zip

%file% %basepath%\data

Texture Add-on

Our next goal is to now make the textures available to QuArK. As displayed in this window, we go Toolboxes from the toolbar > then select Texture Browser... This will open the Texture Browser window.

On the Texture Browser window we will now create an add-on. It's probably easier than you think. From the toolbar pick Folders > New Main Folder.

Another window will now open from which we want ôIn a new Add-onö so select it and click OK. We will be prompted to save it first (in the main QuArK folder, nowhere else is allowed and if you move it, it will no longer work).

Now we're back at the Texture Browser window but with a slight change: there is a ôNew Folderö (where the red bar is shown) in the tree which we can rename (probably to whatever you saved it as).

There's nothing in it yet, but we're about to fix that. Make sure the ôNew Folderö is selected and, from the toolbar again, go Edit > Import Files > Import (copy) Files. Goto wherever your texture file(s) are located and select it/them. If they are not visible and you are sure you are in the correct folder they may be in an unsupported format and you'll have to change them. We'll assume all is well and you've got your textures and clicked OK. They will now be available to use in QuArK.

You might want to exit and restart QuArK now to get the Save dialog box.

A quick note on removing folders. If you decide that you've made a mistake or no longer want a certain add-on and want to remove it you must do the following: select the folder > from toolbar's Folders > click Delete Folder then Folders from the bar again > click Add-Ons... > select the appropriate add-on from the list and click Remove then OK. There will now be a message along the lines of ôcs_texadd.qrkö has been modified save the changes?ö click Yes. You can now go into your QuArK folder and delete the ôcs_texadd.qrkö completely.

Configuring the Crystal Space Menu

Open a new CS map using the button circled in the window to the right and a new window (shown below) will open allowing map creation, editing, etc.

To get to the next part where we will change the menu; select Crystal Space from the tool bar and click ôCustomize menu...ö as shown in the figure to the right here.

The ôCustomize Crystal Space menuö window (similar to the one shown below but initially blank) will now be open. Select the first item in the tree, which should be ô&GO ! (build+Walktest)ö and make the displayed changes.







Now do the same for the ô&Complete rebuildö and ô&Run Walktestö items as well.
The screens and inputs are below in Fig 9 and Fig 10.







Fig 9








Fig 10

Note that there is nothing highlighted in Fig 10, we shouldn't have to make any changes to it, but was included just-in-case.

Quake Army Knife should now be configured. Test it out; from the QuArK Explorer create a new map as before. From the map window you can either select Crystal Space from the toolbar > then GO! Or just hit CTRL + R .

Have fun!

 Quark setup for Crystal Space Walktest

cdunde/Rowdy - 04 Oct 2003   [ Top ] 

Hopefully this will be helpful to anyone wanting to use Quark with Crystal Space.

The text below comes from a post by Greg Jones back on 20-Mar-2003.

1. Create a batch file with the following commands (change the path as necessary for your configuration).

set CRYSTAL=C:\Crystal\CS

c:\CRYSTAL\CS\map2cs.exe c:\CRYSTAL\CS\maps\%~n1.map
c:\CRYSTAL\CS\levtool.exe c:\CRYSTAL\CS\data\%~n1.zip
c:\CRYSTAL\CS\walktest.exe %~n1 -relight

2. In Quark,

a. under Menu Options, Select Configuration....
b. Select Games / Crystal Space
c. For the First Program enter the path of the batch file you just created
d. for the command-line argument place %mapfile%

3. Click Okay to Save

4. Select Menu Item Crystal Space, Select Customize menu...

a. for each of the options on the left hand, select them and
then make sure that the YES checkbox is checked so that the batch
file will be run.

GNU General Public License by The QuArK (Quake Army Knife) Community - http://www.planetquake.com/quark

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